Thursday, August 07, 2014

On the Fringe a full house at any time is a consummation devoutly to be wished but to sell out at 10.30 in the morning is such stuff as dreams are made on.

Yet there we were yesterday, around fifty of us, crammed into Valvona and Crolla's little back room for Larkin About where we spent a delightful hour in the company of two actors and two musicians sharing Philip Larkin's passions for poetry, jazz and women. 

You could call it the secret life of a librarian only it doesn't seem to have been very secret even in his lifetime judging by the letters he wrote to his various women and to male friends, let alone what he revealed in his poems.  Randy isn't the word for it. Hard to tell from this show whether he was a likeable person or not but certainly interesting and I'll be off to the library in the fullness of time for a volume of his poetry and a biography.

One minor criticism.  What was the point in such a small room only three rows deep of miking the performers?

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