Friday, January 25, 2013

Unlike the set of Django Unchained the Rod Laver arena was not splattered in blood when the battle was over but the struggle to come out the winner was just as intense and engaging for the spectator.

Just as you thought Murray had it sewn up in the fourth set Federer pulled a rabbit out of the hat and forced him into a final final showdown but found himself being blasted away.  Remarkably similar to the twists and turns of Tarantino's plot.

It was a great match and oh boy I loved the movie.  It's a good strong story beautifully filmed and naturally the effects (all that blood) are terrific.  There is tension throughout and it's full of cleverly (not to say over-) drawn characters brought to life by an accomplished cast.  I particularly liked Leonardo Dicaprio's nasty plantation owner. That's a part to die for, not from real bullets of course.

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