Monday, February 15, 2010

We're reaching the crunch point with the play. The set was moved into St Serfs yesterday and we are down there this evening for our technical rehearsal. One hour on the stage trying to make everything hang together for the first time is woefully inadequate but I suppose it's the same for everyone unless they have rehearsal facilities far superior to our own. Like NKAS for example but they are far away in time and distance and have nothing to do with this competition.

Performance is on Friday and fingers crossed I think it will be, if not excellent, then jolly good. I'm pleased with how it will look and sound and with the performances. The whole thing is about as close to the ideas I had in my head as it is reasonable to expect. But I'm not rushing to offer myself as a director again very soon if ever. Unfortunately I have some ideas and may not be able to resist for ever which is what I swear I would prefer to do.

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