Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The pesky pigeons survived snowmageddon and continued their attempts to set up home on my balcony.  They managed to lay one egg which I swiftly removed and we then entered into a war.  As soon as they found a little corner in which to nestle I deployed an obstacle.

They were very persistent.  The balcony is now criss-crossed by silver tape that is claimed to frighten them but doesn't really, although it impedes their movement.  It's also strewn with upturned flowerpots and other obstacles that leave no sheltered spot a bird can rest in.  The right way up flowerpot that received the egg now boasts wooden slats poking up out of the soil and just itching for a pigeon to try lowering its bum onto them.

I'm praying they've got the message because I've exhausted my gamut of defensive measures.

Encouraged by Claire's rave review and the wish to try what sounded like Aldous Huxley's "feelies" I went to see Black Panther.  It wasn't a bad film as far as Boys Own Paper adventures go and the visual effects were impressive.  The pitch and yaw seats, blasts of air and sprinklings of water were fun.  I missed a smell effect but am assured that's because my sense of smell wasn't up to the job.  I don't think Huxley would have been entirely satisfied but it was enough for me.  For once anyway.  I fear that the experience would quickly get boring so don't expect to try it very often.  Plus it's hideously expensive.

I enjoyed a wonderful SCO concert and was impressed as was this reviewer by just how much the musicians were enjoying themselves, It bodes well for Francois Leveux's return visits.  I've put them in my diary.

The second Jazz at St James concert was equally rewarding.  Brian Molley and his quartet played a very generous two hour-long sets, mostly his own compositions in a contemporary jazz style with a tinge of the other gained from the quartet's travels in India and elsewhere.  Here they are in Bangalore last year.

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