Saturday, December 24, 2016

The hot sunny weather did come back and I headed off to Le Cinque Terre for the day.  This is a group of five little fishing villages that were once accessible only by boat or by mountain goat.  Nowadays the train between Genoa and La Spezia stops at all of them and they are very touristy.

At this time of year there are not too many tourists.  That's pleasant but it also means not too many eateries are open.  The best I could do for lunch was squeeze myself into a tiny bar and sit on a tiny stool at a tiny table in one of the tiniest of the five towns and have a sandwich and a glass of plonk.  Both were delicious.

Then I set off on the energetic bit of the excursion.  There are tracks between each of the villages that are popular with walkers.  Some stretches are closed at the moment because of landslides.  That gives you an idea of the terrain.  I did only one section.  It took me a couple of hours and my knees were happy when it was over and I relaxed with a freshly squeezed orange juice.

Here's a shot of the scenery.  The village in the background is where I started the walk.

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