Monday, July 01, 2013

It was an eventful week at Wimbledon and I'm glad to say I caught most of the major moments live on the telly.  Clearly that meant I wasn't outdoors all that much and yesterday when there was no play it was a toss up between breaking my duck at the Film Festival on its last day or taking the air.

I decided not to coop myself up in a cinema.  My first taking the air step was to take a coffee out onto my little balcony.  I settled down behind the window boxes with jauntily covered and protected pate to enjoy the sunshine.  The wind got up.  It buffeted my hat.  I clutched at it.  My coffee cup was jossled and coffee spilled all over me.  Shirt and trousers straight into the washing machine.

In fresh shirt and trousers (no jacket, no brolly) I later set out in the sunshine for a stroll.   As I reached the top of Leith Walk on my way home the rain came down and by the time I got home yet another set of fresh shirt and trousers was called for.

I should have gone to the pictures.

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