Wednesday, March 06, 2013

High Society is the complete antithesis of Werther; though just as we know from the start that Werther will top himself for love we know Cole Porter's heroine Tracy will end up back with her ex-husband Dexter.  Not even a bit of skinny dipping with Mike on the eve of her projected wedding with George will get in the way.

It's a brilliant product of the American musical theatre, although it started life on film, and this touring production rattles along merrily from the razzle dazzle of the opening title number where the numerous flunkies in the Lord household strut their stuff and Tracy dances through an extraordinary number of lightning fast costume changes, to the final happy curtain.

On the way endearing Uncle Willie sings a song in praise of gin and does as much inappropriate bottom pinching as he can get away with . The young Bolshevik writer sings Who Wants to be a Millionaire without a trace of irony while relaxing with a glass of champagne. Younger sister Dinah gets into the action whenever she can and with the help of a glass or three Tracy is reconciled to her reprobate father and dull old George eventually does the decent thing.

What a swell party they have and how we all enjoyed sharing it.

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