Monday, July 23, 2012

We were blessed with two dry days at the weekend, neither of them "whew what a sizzler" except in comparison to the dismal days that preceded them.  But at least we were in our thousands able to enjoy the open air music in the Grassmarket, on Princes Street and in the gardens.

 In the Grassmarket I enjoyed the singing of Nikki King's daddie Freddie and a handful of New Orleans style groups.  On Princes Street there were bands of all stripes except white; pipe bands, accordion bands, brass bands, who knows what bands and a Chinese dragon that didn't play any instrument that I could see.

 I had another Chinese encounter later at a farewell meal for Andy and Sue Ellis who will be sorely missed by the Edinburgh amdram community, especially Grads, but before that I went to a Jazz Festival gig.

This was in George square which is covered in artificial turf.  I suppose that protects us from mud.  The area is nicely set out with three spiegel tent type performance spaces, a couple of bars, some food buying options, deckchairs, benches and tables and a sprinkling of patio heaters those indispensable adjuncts to alfresco activities in a Scottish summer.

After the first two numbers I moved to the back of the venue for a glass of plonk and to rest my ears from the twanging of over amplified electric guitars.  At the break I went out for a breath of air and stayed there for the second half where I heard and enjoyed every note without putting my eardrums in danger.  I just wish I hadn't bothered to buy a ticket.  

It's raining tonight so I hope they've got the decibels under better control.

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