Thursday, October 06, 2011

The little scene from The Cherry Orchard that we are performing in Northampton on Saturday in the quarter final round of the Sky Arts Stagestruck competition ends with the words "senile decay".  Those words are uttered as an explanation of my character's behaviour and it seems that I'm living the part off-stage.

Waiting for a bus after a Hamlet rehearsal this evening I saw from the bustracker screen what bus was due and decided as I often do to jump on it, get off at the bottom of the Bridges and cross to the top of theWalk to wait for a bus going my way.  But before it arrived a 14 turned up and that one goes to my door so naturally I got on.

I'm sure you've guessed what happened.  Fortunately the lights were with me as I sprinted from the last stop on the Bridges, across Princes St. and on to the St. James Centre in time to get back on board the 14.    

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