Monday, August 08, 2011

I was in Aigurande on Saturday morning having a new silencer fitted to my car.  It was an important day for the town for other reasons as well.  This was the day of their big brocante and vide grenier, or car boot sale to us, when numerous streets were given over the buying and selling of junk.  Unfortunately it was a washout as you can see from the picture.  For most of the time most of the goods were covered by plastic sheeting.  Only the beer stand and the chip stall were doing any business and not much at that.

I can understand why you would want to get rid of junk but who wants to buy a box of corks or a couple of chamber pots, and believe me those were bits of high class junk I thought were worthy of a picture. But brocantes are amazingly popular.  There's a booklet you can buy that lists them all.  It's a nice yellow colour reminding me of the Scotland's Gardens scheme booklet that list all the garden open days throughout the year.

Back home the rain eased off a bit in the afternoon so perhaps it did so there as well and let the chineurs begin to chiner.  You see there are even special words for junk browsers and junk browsing.

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