Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's not only phones that are dumb.
The bins in the left and right stores were emptied less than 24 hours before this picture was taken. There is a reason (not a very good one) why the binmen didn't empty the middle one, but that's rather beside the point.

Imagine the scene. A member of homo sapiens sapiens leaves his flat with a bag of rubbish. He approaches the bin stores and ponders "which bin will I but my bag in?".

He ponders anew "I can surely sqeeze it into that middle one" and opens the gate. Then discovers "Oh, I can't get my bag in. There's no room. I'll just put it down where the vermin can get at it."

And finally, no doubt having been born in a field as all good parents used to say, he shambles off leaving the gate open.

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