Thursday, October 22, 2009

Indeed it was the trams. Here's most of the council's reply:

"These Bustracker signs were removed and reinstated by the public utility diversion Contractors working on the tram project. Re-connecting the signs to a suitable power connection has proven to be a problem. Unfortunately I have no direct control over the project but I am aware that the next phase of tram works are (sic) due to begin on Leith Walk in the new year, so there could be further disruption and bus stops may be moved again.

I have asked again for all outstanding Bustracker works to be completed as soon as possible, however, I suspect that at least some Bustracker signs will be out of action until completion of the next phase of tram works."

I love the statement about the connection to a power source proving difficult. Does that mean that in moving the electricity cables they've lost them? I'm having lunch tomorrow with the father of a tram spindoctor so shall get him to pass on my complaint.

In the meantime as the council man went on to say, I can get real-time bus info here and if ever I have a wap-enabled phone I'm sure to make use of their mobile facility till the arrival of the trams makes it all unnecessary.

But hey, nobody's perfect. I turned up for an appointment this afternoon exactly 168 hours late.

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