Sunday, March 08, 2009

If you've nothing cheerful and interesting to say keep your mouth shut.

That's the reason I haven't been posting recently. But before I get out of the habit completely and my readership turns elsewhere for entertainment and stimulation I thought I had better at the very least display some signs of life.

Around ten days ago I did something nasty to my leg. The joints were swollen and painful. The muscles were in a permanent state of cramp. I woke up every few hours in pain during the night and couldn't find a comfortable resting position. I needed a stick to get about.

After a few days it didn't get better so I tried to see a doctor. I had to wait four days. That did nothing for either my condition or my temper. However I'm now on drugs, I've been x-rayed and my doctor believes he can sort me out in time for me to be an able-bodied seaman by April 6th.

But I don't feel a great deal more cheerful and resent having to haul myself out to conduct Cloud Nine rehearsals three nights a week. So I may keep my mouth shut for another ten days.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Poor shut mouth. I hope the ailment improves.