Sunday, March 18, 2007

Had a day on location at the art college on Friday being an extra in a student film. As always with filming there was a high ratio of hanging about to doing anything and when I did do something it wasn't too exciting. If you ever see "Ladies Who Lunch" (unlikely) keep an eye out for the back of a man admiring a painting and then walking off. The same man is to be seen doing slightly less exciting things too.

In the evening a group of us went to a production of The Boyfriend. One of the Grads was in it giving an excellent impersonation of a randy old man. I say impersonation but.....

Anyway it was a good show. Although amateur it's one of those where a professional director and choreographer are involved - quite a big budget number. I particularly liked the chocolate box "curtain" that slid open so smoothly. The costumes were lovely, the acting good and far be it from someone who can't hold a tune to criticise the singing.

One of the group wanted something a little less sugary so I hope he saw Emma on the tele last night. That's my book should I ever be on Desert Island Discs and the 1996 film version starring Gwyneth Paltrow must be one of the best romantic comedies ever made. It's a jewel.

I clearly ate something not very romantic while watching the film because at three this morning I woke up and threw up. I suspect the organic mushrooms. A fungus that is not soaked in chemicals to get rid of the bugs can't be safe can it?

I've recycled the rest just in case.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Bitchy talk...