Saturday, December 19, 2015

As well as presenting a well attended and well appreciated Christmas concert this year the Dunedin Wind Band had another and arguably more exciting gig.

We were invited to be part of the general frenzy accompanying the opening of the new Star Wars movie.  Six bands around the UK turned up at their local Vue cinema and played while audiences poured in to see the film.  Naturally we played Stars Wars music and I assume the other bands did the same but we played other film music as well to fill out our hour.  Nonetheless the Star Wars stuff was repeated several times and I'm pleased to report that my fingers got progressively more nimble while never quite mastering it all.

Apparently all the bands were being videoed and a composite video is to be produced, to what end I'm not terribly sure.  To appear on screens throughout the country?  Perhaps national fame awaits but my immediate reward was a free cinema ticket and a bucket of popcorn.

I bought an Evening News the following day to see if our fame had at least reached Holyrood Road but there was no mention.  However the Daily Record and the Scottish Sun had a better nose for such an important news story and this picture is nicked from one of them.  My tiny head is positioned just where the tips of the conductor's baton and the cinema manager's pointy thing meet.

1 comment:

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