Monday, August 24, 2015

The Animotion Show is not dissimilar to the Harlequin Project that opened the EIF in which images were projected onto a building while music played.  The critical difference is that the images are being created as the music is being played.

The artist, Maria Rud, painted on what looked like a glass panel and the results were being projected as she worked so you not only saw the painting but the moving hand of the painter.  Meanwhile Evelyn Glennie was banging away on her various percussive instruments.

As I understand the idea it is that the painter is reacting to the music and vice versa.  Quite entertaining though relatively pricey and there was no way to get away from the coolish wind that swept into every corner of George Heriot's quadrangle.

Maria at work with Evelyn drumming in the background

Here are some examples of the results of the collaboration. 

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