Thursday, April 28, 2011

I was a bit disappointed by Pina the other day. Some of the dancing was certainly impressive and I gasped at one dancer's leap and nosedive but thank goodness it was in 3D. It would have been a bit flat otherwise.

Nor did I learn much about Pina herself. She seems to have been a lady of few words. One dancer said that Pina's only comment about her performance in 20 years was "you must search harder". She didn't even say what the poor girl should be searching for.

Memory of Water on the other hand, in which two of my chums were appearing, was terrific. The script was very strong, the production was first-rate and the performances, especially Caroline's were super. If you think jokes about death are in bad taste maybe you won't enjoy it but the tango swaying pall bearers could be the thing to change your mind.

It's a profit sharing venture of course like so much work by small theatre groups. They are getting great houses, albeit limited to about 50 by the space they are playing in so if there is a profit at the end of the week it won't be anywhere near what they deserve.

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