Thursday, December 06, 2012

According to my diary I'm going to a concert tonight but I can't find a ticket for it amongst those that adorn my fridge.

I think I'll just enjoy an evening at home and perhaps tune in to France Musique's tribute to the now late Dave Brubeck.  He's one of the musicians who led my jazz taste away from New Orleans towards the cool and the modern.  He's renowned for having recorded one of the best selling jazz tracks of all time in the annus mirabilis of 1959Take Five was written by his saxophonist Paul Desmond, so now that I'm trying to play sax I feel even more indebted to him.

I might also muse on The Arthur Conan Doyle Appreciation Society which appears to be the Traverse's answer to panto.  It's an odd piece with more than a hint of The Art of Coarse Acting about it.  It's beautifully performed by three actors who flip between presenting an illustrated lecture about Conan Doyle and spiritualism, living the relationships amongst that trio and being various people associated with Doyle and Doyle himself.  It's all at one and the same time deliciously tongue in cheek and heart feelingly serious.

There's a delightful scene in which the two male actors play the little girls whose mocked up photos of fairies had Doyle fooled.  I enjoyed it a lot (unlike Plaything) and am still wondering whether an actor really fell from the roof or was that trickery along similar lines.

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