Wednesday, April 18, 2007

For the last wee while my regular tipple has been Rosso delle Marche, a nice little wine from Tesco. My belief that its quality belied its price (£2.99) has been confirmed. The sods have repriced it at £5.99. They may think that I'm hooked but they can think again. I've moved on already in the search for heavenly drink at earthly prices.

They have a weird way with sprouts as well. I bought some loose Scottish sprouts at 59p per kilo. I could have bought the same sprouts with outer leaves removed and wrapped in plastic for £1.62 per kilo. Or if I had been completely off my trolley I could have bought LUXURY sprouts, outer leaves removed, washed and polished, and wrapped in plastic for the modest sum of £4.97 per kilo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surely you mean "a nice little wine from Tuscany". I can attest to the quality, having partaken. Bad news about the new supermarket pricing policy. Sprouts is another story. You are paying more to save preparation time, whereas a cheap bottle takes as long to open and pour out as an expensive one.